December 17, 2021 0 Comments
We have heard about aura at least once in our lives and we know that is something that we can’t see and probably do not know exactly what it means. The truth is that the aura refers to the invisible spiritual energy that surrounds all living beings. Our aura can be affected by our environment and, for this reason, is important to clean it in order to maintain our wellbeing.
Sometimes we feel tired, irritated and sick and we don’t know why. These symptoms can be a sign that we need to clean our aura and free it from psychic debris or other people’s negative emotions and energy. The good news is that we can clean it easily. Here we tell you how:
Water is a powerful element and if you combine it with essences, salts, or sacred herbs, it can improve the process of cleaning your aura. You start by soaking yourself for at least 10 minutes in the water. If you are taking a shower, you can also use essences and imagine that your aura is healing with the water drops dripping down your body.
Dried white sage is a powerful herb that can clean our surroundings and our aura. You only need to burn the white sage and use the smoke coming out of it. It is also good to use other herbs, such as sage, thyme, and cedar.
Another way to use water to clean your aura is with the rain. Walking under it can be healing. Do it with your eyes closed and imagine all the negativity and toxicity getting washed away with the rain. Another way to heal with natural water is by swimming in a lake.
You can cleanse your aura with meditation. Start by looking for a quiet place in your home, get in a yoga position, close your eyes and visualize your aura, imagine that it is clearing, and visualize how all the negativity comes out of your aura.
Mantras are one of the most powerful tools to cleanse the aura and fill your mind with positive thoughts that help your well-being. You have to sit in a quiet place, close your eyes and visualize yourself surrounded by a bubbly white light, then repeat the mantra as many times as you want until you feel the message vibrate through your body and then your aura will be freed from bad energy.
As we said before, you can help clean your aura with essences and in Majestic Bliss Soaps we have a Svadhisthana - Sacral Chakra essence for you. Svadhisthana is also known as the Sacral Chakra. Feel bright like the sun. Raise your vibrations to embrace and absorb joy and beam happiness. Restore positive energy with one pump!
The way you should use Svadhisthana - Sacral Chakra essence is the following: set an intention, shake gently, and spray. Then, you must inhale the transformative and energized aromas and exhale in gratitude. You can combine this essence with the Sage and the Palo Santo that MajesticBlissSoaps also offers to you.
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